1. Be calm

If you’re worked up over your child leaving behind a part of babyhood, they will pick up on it and get worked up, too. Talk softly and make it seem like no big deal. Doing this can help keep your kiddo calm, too.
2. Bring comfort items

Does your child have a blanket that they take everywhere? A stuffed animal they love? Stick it in your purse and let them hold it during the cut. Having a comfort item may help ease some anxiety. But remember, hair gets everywhere! Be prepared to wash the comfort item when you get home so your child isn’t poked and itchy from stray short hairs.
3. Take breaks

Just because they’re little doesn’t mean you can expect their first haircut to go quickly! Be prepared to spend a chunk of time and make sure to take breaks if your child appears to be getting antsy. As you know, kids have a hard time sitting still, and forcing them to do so could send them into a full-blown tantrum and a half-cut head of hair. A couple of five-minute snack breaks could save you from a meltdown. Great Clips stylists are very good at efficient, calm haircuts, so your stylist will help you spot those antsy moments and know when to take a breather.
4. Find a good distraction method

Don’t discount the power of a good distraction! Bring snacks, toys, a tablet with movies—anything that will switch your kid’s focus from what’s happening to their head to something more fun.
5. Get your hair cut (or have their sibling get their hair cut), too
Before your kid’s first haircut, consider sitting in the chair yourself and getting your own trim, or having their sibling get a haircut right before them. This way they can see what is going to happen and that it’s a fun, easy experience.
6. Consider asking the stylist to turn your tot away from the mirror

Seeing what’s going on may increase anxiety, so one good method is to face children away from the mirror during the cut. Instead of letting them watch the haircut, have them watch a movie or their favorite show.
7. Time it correctly–not when a child may be overly tired or hungry

This one probably sounds like common sense, but we encourage you to not bring your child to the hair salon when they’re hungry, tired or agitated.
8. Name the stylists tools
Make it fun! Give blow dryers, shears and combs names to make them more kid-friendly. Mr. Windy, Miss Clip and Captain Cape to the rescue!
Pro tip: Bring extra clothes. Your little may not be too fond of the Great Clips cape, so we recommend bringing a clean change of clothes for them to change into after their haircut so they’re not bothered by the annoying hair clippings in their clothes.
We know that kids are unpredictable, but Great Clips stylists are here to help make your child’s first haircut a memorable experience ... in a good way! Check in at your favorite Great Clips, bring your camera and enjoy the milestone!
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